

Survey of Swarm Intelligent Algorithms and Its Application for Routing and Load-Balancing in Communication Networks
摘要 针对当前路由算法不能胜任解决网络不断增加的复杂性问题,通过自然生物群体证明的群体智能,在网络路由方面具有非常强大的研究启发,文中对群体智能算法在计算机网络路由和负载平衡方面的理论及应用研究进展进行了较系统的论述,并比较了应用ACO算法解决路由和负载平衡问题的3个主流研究工作;讨论了群体智能路由算法的收敛停滞问题及其最新解决方法;指出了新的研究方向。 Current routing algorithms are not adequate to tackle the increasing complexity of computer networks. Swarm intelligence, as demonstrated by natural biological swarms, has numerous powerful properties desired in network routing. In the paper, a survey of Swarm Intelligent algorithms and its application for routing and load-balancing in communication networks is presented. The contributions of this survey include 1 ) surveying and comparing three major research in applying ACO in routing and load-balancing,2)providing a comparison and critique of the state-of-the-art approaches for mitigating stagnation (a major problem in many ACO algorithms), and 3) discussing new directions.
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第4期408-413,共6页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
基金 国防预研基金项目(A1420061266) 江苏省科技支撑计划(工业)项目(SBE200800983)
关键词 群体智能 蚁群优化 移动代理 路由 负载平衡 swarm intelligence, ant colony optimization, mobile agent, routing, load-balancing
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