
碳源组分及浓度对辣椒花药培养的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Carbohydrate Composition and Concentration on Anther Culture of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
摘要 以编号为ZF-09、ZF-10两个辣椒品种的F1代为试材进行花药培养,研究碳源组分及浓度对辣椒花药培养出胚率及出苗率的影响,并对获得再生植株进行倍性鉴定。结果表明,Cp+蔗糖浓度1%+麦芽糖浓度2%的培养基出胚率及出苗率在ZF-09和ZF-10两品种中均为最高。ZF-09出胚率及出苗率分别达到CK的2.3倍和7.14倍,而ZF-10出胚率及出苗率分别达到CK的3.7倍和11.06倍;采用根尖染色体计数鉴定再生植株中倍性组成,ZF-09二倍体发生率为60.3%,单倍体发生率为39.7%;ZF-10二倍体发生率为68.4%,单倍体发生率为31.6%。 The carbohydrate composition containing maltose , sucrose and the mixture of maltoseand sucrose respectively in Cp medium of two kinds of Capsicum annuum L. anther culture were studied. The embryo rate and the seedling emergence rate induced in medium using the mixture of maltose (2%)and sucrose(1%) as the sole carbohydrate was found to be the highest , the two rate in ZF-09 is 2.3 and 7.4 times with CK,respectively. And the two rate in ZF-10 is 3.7and 11.06 times with CK. the chromosome counting were used for the detailed ploidy identification in population of anther culture derived pepper plants. The diploid rate of ZF-09 is 60.3% ,the haploid rate is 39.7%, the diploid rate of ZF-10 is 68.4%,the haploid rate is 31.6%.
出处 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期341-345,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica
基金 辽宁省科技攻关项目(2006201010)
关键词 辣椒 花药培养 碳源 出胚率 出苗率 二倍体 单倍体 Capsicum annuum L. Anther culture Carbohydrate The embryo rate The seedling emergence rate Diploid Haploid
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