
试析新加坡的东盟观及其成因 被引量:2

Singapore's View of ASEAN and Its Cause
摘要 本文试图从新加坡的外交文献及有关新加坡领导人发表的讲话和外交行为等方面探析新加坡的东盟观,即新加坡视东盟为其生存与独立的保障与发展的平台。同时,结合新加坡独特的情况,从历史和现实等多角度分析其东盟观形成的原因。 Through analyzing the diplomatic documents, speeches and diplomatic behaviors of its leaders, this paper tries to explore Singapore's view of ASEAN, that is, Singapore has been considering ASEAN as the guarantee of its survival and development. At last, how Singapore's view of ASEAN shaped is set forth from the perspective of history and reality.
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 2009年第4期21-26,60,共7页 Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 新加坡 东盟 东盟观 Singapore ASEAN View of ASEAN
  • 相关文献


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