Mizhou Yuanyin Wangsheng Ji in The Tripitaka of Puning,with the Chinese-'Phags-pa transliterations of various titles and the Sanskrit-'Phags-pa transliterations of dharanis,is not only the records of the spoken Modern Chinese in the Yuan times,but also the longest material of Sanskrit-'Phags-pa transliterations preserved so far.The comparison between the Chinese-'Phags-pa transliterations of dharani titles and Menggu Ziyun will deepen our studies on the Northern Chinese phonology.At the meantime,by the comparison between the 'Phags-pa transliterations and the Sanskrit originals,we will not only have got the knowledge of the rules of Sanskrit-'Phags-pa transliterations,but also the roughly readings of Chinese characters in the Hexi dialect of the 12th century.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History