
内蒙蜜蜂九新种记述(膜翅目:蜜蜂总科) 被引量:4

摘要 本文记述我国内蒙古自治区蜜蜂9新种,标本由内蒙古自治区草原工作站提供。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 The present paper deals with nine new species of bees from Inner Mongolia. The specimens were provided by the Grassland Management Station of Inner Mongolia. All the types are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Beijing.1. Andrena (Lepidandrena) squamata sp.nov.(Figs. 1-2)Length 9mm. Similar to Andrena (Lepidandrena) lebedevi Popov, but easily separated by: lst-3rd abdominal tergites and basal part of 4th tergites red; rather smaller than the latter.Holotype (?), Inner Mongolia; Dong Ujimqin B, Xilin Gol L., 4-Ⅷ-1987, Bao Xueming.2. Halictoides (Halictoides) flavozonatus sp. nov. (Fig. 3)(?) Length 6mm. Closely related to Halictoides(Halictoides) inermis Nyl., but clothed with white hairs, with no black hairs on body; scopa of hind legs white; apical margin of 1st -5th abdominal tergites with wide yellow-brown unpuctated bands.Holotype (?), Inner Mongolia: Dong Ujimqin B., Xilin Gol L., 2-Ⅷ-1987.3. Hoplitis (Megalosmia) pyrrnosoma sp. nov. (Figs. 4-5)(?) Length 8mm. Very similar to Hoplitis (Megalosmia) princeps Mor., but easily distinguished by: lateral and apical margin of clypeus, mandibles (except apical part and inner margin), scape and 1st-2nd flagellum orange-red, not black; lst-4th abdominal tergites orange-red, with black spots in the middle, the 5th-6th tergites black.Holotype (?), Inner Mongolia: Alxa Right B., Alxa 1., 28-Ⅴ-1987. Duan Aiping.4. Hoplitis loboclypeata sp nov (Fig. 6)(?) Length 8-9mm. Similar to Hoplitis beijngensis Wu, the main differences are: central part of clypeus convex, not straight; abdominal tergites without white hair-spots or hair-bands; scopa ferruginous, not yellowish.Holotype (?), Inner Mongolia; Zhenglan B., Xilin Gol L..13-Ⅶ-1987, coll. Bao Xueming. Paratype 1 (?) , same date as holotype; Horqin Right Wing Front B., Hinggan L. 27-Ⅵ-1983, coll. Wang Xiuying. 5. Hoplitis (Tridentosmia) minuta sp.nov. (Figs. 7-11)(?), Length 6mm. Closely related to Hoplitis (Tridentosmia) tridentata Duf. et Perr., but easily identified by the smaller body; apex of abdomen with thtee slender processes; 7th-8th sternites and genitalia different.Holotype (?) , Inner Mongolia: Alxa Right B., Alxa L., 4-Ⅵ-1986, Chang Yuling. Paratvoe 1 (?), same locality as holtype, 30-Ⅵ-1986, coll. Tu Hu.6. Hoplitis mongolica sp.nov. (Figs. 12-16)Length 8.5mm. Similar to Hoplits scita Eversmann, the main differences are: center of apex of abdomen concave , lateral part lobe-like; legs black; 2nd abdominal sternite normal without transverse carina; 7th-8th sternites and genitalia different.Holotype (?) , Inner Mongolia; Zhenglan B., Xilin Gol L., 13-Ⅶ-1987, Bao Xueming.7. Paranthidiellum campulodonta sp.nov. (Figs. 17-23)(?) Length 6.5mm. Similar to Paranthidiellum lituratum Panz., but center of 7th abdominal tergite concave, not straight; fore femora normal without tooth at basal part; each side of 5th sternites with a large darktooth, not the 6th sternite.Holotype (?) . Inner Mongolia, Ejin B., Alxa L., 20-Ⅵ-1986, coll. Bal Jinshan.8. Anthophora clavitarsa sp. nov. (Figs. 24-29)(?) Length 9-10mm. Similar to Anthophora borealis Mor., the main difference are: clypeus yellow without black spot; all tarsi yellow-brown, not black; hind-basitarsi flat and apex broad; middle last tarsi normal without lateral hair-tuft; 7th-8th sternites and genitalia different.Holotype (?) , Inner Mongolia: Alxa Right B., Alxa L., 28-Ⅴ-1987, coll. Duan Aiping. Paratypes 2 (?) (?), same date as holotype.9. Amegilla mongolica sp.nov.(Figs. 30-35)(?) Length 9mm. (?) 11-12mm. Closely related to Amegilla velocissima Fedtschenko, but can be separated by: clypeus of male with two black spots, not all yellowish; scape black without yellow marks: spurs black; all abdominal sternites covered with black hairs, without white hairs; 7th-8th sternites and genitalia different. (?) larger than A. velocissima, length of 1st flagellum equal to the three following segments together, not shorter; black marks of clypeus longer.Holotype (?), Inner Mongolia: Alxa Right B., Alxa L., 27-Ⅵ-1986, Lu Yongcai. Allotype (?), Same date as holotype
作者 吴燕如
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1990年第3期243-251,共9页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 膜翅目 蜜蜂总科 新种 内蒙 Inner Mongolia Apoidea New species
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  • 1吴燕如,动物学集刊,1987年,5卷,187页
  • 2吴燕如,昆虫学报,1987年,30卷,4期,441页
  • 3吴燕如,蜜峰总科.天山托木尔峰生物,1985年
  • 4吴燕如,中国经济昆虫志.9,1965年











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