
内蒙木虱十新种(同翅目:木虱总科) 被引量:1

摘要 内蒙古自治区的木虱过去研究不多,近年来作者与杨集昆教授报导记载有:萹蓄斑木虱Aphalara polygni Forster、脉斑边木虱Craspedolepta lineolata Loginova、桑木虱Anomoneura mori Schwarz、锦鸡儿豆木虱Cyamophila appendicuata(Klimaszewski)、中国梨木虱Cacopsylla chinensis(Yang et Li)、北方沙棘喀木虱C.septentrionalis Li etYang、槭喀木虱C.abieti(Kuwayama)、荨麻个木虱Trioza urticae L.、黑锥黑个木虱T.aterigenae Li et Yang、柳钱角个木虱Bactericera myohyangi(Klimaszewski)和沙棘异个木虱Herterotrioza magnisetosa(Loginora)等11种,本文记述了我校和内蒙草原站采集的10个新种。至此内蒙木虱种类已达21种,隶属3科7属。当然还有不少种类有待进一步调查鉴定。 This paper is a report of the psyllids collected from Nei Mongol Autonomous Region. Ten species belonging to 4 genera are dealt with, and all of the species are new to science. All the type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of the Beijing Agricultural University.Aphalaridae1. Craspedolepta immaculate sp. n.(Fig.1)Holotype(?), allotype (?), Nei Mongol Aut. Reg., Jalaid Banner. 1983-Ⅶ-13; paratypes 5 (?) (?) , 6 (?) (?), same data as for holotype.The new species resembles Craspedolepta terminata Loginova 1962 in forewing markings, but differs from the latter in being longer, length of body(to tip of folded wings) (?) 3.33-3.58, (?) 3.78-4.00mm (in C. terminata (?), 2.13-2.45. (?) 2.60-2.83mm), and in parameres curved at middle.Psyllidae2. Cyamophila edemtata sp. n. (Fig.2)Holotype (?) , allotype (?) , Ningxia Hui Aut. Reg., Guyuan co.(1500m), 1980-Ⅶ-18; paratypes 10 (?) (?), 8 (?) (?) . same data as for holotype; 22 (?) (?) , 25 (?) (?) , Zhongwei Co., 1981-Ⅵ-9; 7 (?) (?) , 10 (?) (?) , Nei Mongol Aut. Reg, Ulanqab League, Qingshuihi, 1984-Ⅷ-10; 1 (?), 1 (?), Qinghai Prov. Dulan Co., 1950-Ⅶ-30; 1 (?) , Shanxi Prov., Hungyuan Co., 1964-Ⅷ-4.This new species is easily separated from Cyamophila appendiculata (Klimaszewsli 1962) in having tibae without basal teeth.3. Cyamophila strongyloptera sp. n.(Fig.3)Holotype (?) , allotype (?), Nei Mongol Aut. Reg., 1980-Ⅵ-24; paratypes 30 (?) (?),35 (?) (?), same data as for holotype; 1 (?), 5 (?) (?), Urad Front Banner, 1985-Ⅷ-18-19.Host plant: Caragana korshinskii Kom.(Papilionaceae).This new species is similar to Cyamophila zaisani (Klimaszewski 1963 in appearence and venation of forewing, but the male genitalia is much different.4. Cacopsylla laricola sp. n.(Fig.4)Holotype (?) , allotype (?), Nei Mongol Aut. Reg., Tumb Left Banner, 1978-Ⅷ-13; paratypes 17 (?) (?) , 3 (?) (?) , same data as for holotype; 2 (?) (?) , 1 (?), Hebei Prov., Xinglong Co.(2300m), 1981-Ⅷ-27. 6 (?) (?), 7 (?) (?), Shanxi Prov., WenshuiCo.(2300m), 1981-Ⅷ-2-4; 1 (?), Gansu Prov., Jone Co.(2700m), 1980-Ⅷ-15.Host plant: Larix gmelinii (Rupr.)(Pinaceae).The new species resembles Cacopsylla mamillata Li et Yang in the male genitalia, but differs from the latter in head markings and in the shape of genal cones.5. Cacopsylla scalpelliform sp. n.(Fig.5)Holotype (?),allotype (?),Shanxi Prov., Qinxian Co. (1500m), 1981-Ⅷ-14; paratypes 56 (?) (?), 61 (?) (?) , same data as for holotype; (?) , 3 (?) (?) , Shanxi Prov., Wenshui Co. (2300m), 1962-Ⅷ-11; 21 (?) (?) , 32 (?) (?), Nei Mongol Aut. Reg., Urad Front Banner, Mt. Wulashan, 1980-Ⅷ-7; 12 (?) (?) , 17 (?) (?), Jilin Prov., Tonghua City (4500m), 1983-Ⅶ-31; 2 (?) (?), Tonghua (840m), 1983-Ⅷ-4; 14 (?) (?) , 10 (?) (?) , Heilongjiang Prov. Harbin City(2300m), 1986-Ⅸ-1; 1 (?),1 (?), Jiamusi City( 100m), 1985-Ⅷ-12.Host plant: Pinus massoiana Lamb., Larix gmelinii (Rupr.XPinaceae).The new species differs from the other known species of the genus in the features of the male proctiger and parameres.6. Cacopsylla sylyestrisuga sp. n.(Fig.6)Holotype (?) , allotype (?) , Nei Mongol Aut. Reg. Hailar City (780m), 1986-Ⅷ-23; paratypes 15 (?) (?) , 23 (?) (?) , same data as for holotype; 22 (?) (?) , 25 (?) (?), same locality as for holotype, 1986-Ⅷ-20-21.Host plapt: Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litvin(Pinaceae).This new species resembles Psylla ribicola Loginova 1964 in the male genitalia, but differs much from the latter in female genitalia. 7.Cacopsylla gracilenta sp. n. (Fig.7)Holotype (?) , allotype (?) , Shanxi Prov., Wenshui Co., Mt Guandishan (1700-2300m), 1981-Ⅷ-2; paratypes 54 (?) (?) , 71 (?) (?) , same locality as for holotype, 1981-Ⅷ-2-4, 1964-Ⅷ-11. 1987-Ⅸ-13: 13 (?) (?) , 6 (?) (?) , Jie.xiu Co.. Xuegonglmg (1700m). 1981-Ⅶ-5. 1 (?) (?) (?) . Jiexiu Co.. Mt Mianshan (1500m). 1981-Ⅶ-28: 2 (?) (?) .7 (?) (?) .Wutai Co.. Mt. Wutaishan(1580m). 1981-Ⅶ-23; 27 (?) (?) . 32 (?) (?) . Ningxia Hui Aut. Reg.. Longde Co. (2180m). 1980-Ⅶ-16:9 (?) (?) . 16 (?) (?) , Mt. Liupanshan(2100m). 1980-Ⅶ-14. 17:2 (?) (?).5 (?) (?) GuyuanCo.( 1500m
作者 李法圣
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1990年第3期203-220,共18页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 同翅目 木虱总科 新种 木虱 Nei Mongol Homopera Psylloidea Aphalaridae Psyllidae Triozidae Psyllids New Species
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