平器蝗属Pezohippus B.-Bienko全世界仅知一种P.callosus(Uvarov),分布于哈萨克斯坦东南部和卡拉卡尔帕克北部;Uvarov(1926)将该种放在雏蝗属Chorthippus中。B.-Bienko(1951)根据该种腹部第一节腹听器呈水平状,雄虫缘前脉域超过翅的中部等性状建立了一个新属——平器蝗属Pezohippus B.-Bienko,迄今该属仍是单型属。我们自内蒙古锡林郭勒盟采得该属一新种。平器蝗属Pezohippus为我国新记录属。
1. Pezohippus biplatus sp. nov. (Fig. 1. A-H)This new species is allied to Pezohippus callosus (Uv.), but differs from the latter in: a) antenna is not twice as long as head and pronotum: b) pulvilli of the tarsi longer than half of claw; c) abdominal segment Ⅹ with two triangular plates on the lateral side of anal tergites. This species is also similar to Chorthipprs neipiopennis Xia et Jin, but differs in: a) the stridulatory peg number of the new species is 90-94; b) shape of epiphallus.Holotype: (?) . paratypes: 4 (?) (?) ;Nei Mongol (Xilin Hot), 5-Ⅸ-1988.Family Gryllidae2. Pteronemobius neimongolensis sp, nov. (Fig. 2. A-F)Closely allied to Pteronemobius gracilis (Jakovlett) and Pteronemobius heydenii (Fischer), but differs in the presence of 4 dorsal spines on the hind tibiae both internal and external from P. gracillix. and in the shape of the tympanum of fore-wing and in having much longer hind-wing obviously different than the latter, whose hind-wing never reach the abdomen apex.Holotype: (?) , allotype: (?) . Inner Mongolia (Dengkou County, Bayannur League). 12-Ⅷ-1985. Paratypes. 2 (?) (?). Inner Mongolia (Urad Front Banner), 13-Ⅷ-1985.All type specimens are preserved in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. Beijing.
Acridida, Gryllidae, New species Family Acrididae