花萤科(Cantharidae)为鞘翅目(Coleoptera)软鞘组(Malacodermata)的一个大科,世界已知约5400种,与萤科(Lampyridae)近缘,但触角基部远离,通常无发光构造,容易区分。花萤白昼活动,常见于花上,为肉食性,主要捕食蚜虫、介壳虫、叶甲等害虫。中国的花萤科区系很丰富,外国学者曾记录过309种,国内则无人研究,近年我们开展了花萤分类工作,又增加了若干种类。内蒙古的这类益虫更缺乏调查,过去只有:蒙古花萤Cantharis mongolica Pic,黑斑丽花萤Themus stigmaticus(Fairmaire)等数种,本文记述采自内蒙古的二新种,模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。
In this paper two new species of Cantharidae from Nei Mongol Autonomous Region are described. The type specimens are preserved in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.1. Podabrus magaus Wang et Yang, sp. n.(Fig. 1:A-J.)Male: Lenght: 13mm. Greater part of head at the back, antenna, front edge of pronotum, legs, elytra and abdomen brownish black; front area of head, most area of pronotum yellow.Head about half as broad as long, with thin pores in brownish black area of head, 2nd antennal segment as long as 3rd. Pronotum nearly rectangular, wider than long, all claws bidentate.Female: Similar to male. Length: 14 mm.Holotype: (?) , Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, Zhengxiangbai B., 1978-Ⅷ-5, Yang Chi-kun. Allotype: (?) Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, Hulun Buir L. Hailar C., 1986-Ⅷ-19, Li Fasheng. Paratypes: 2 (?) (?), Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, Mt. Wula Dahuabei, 1978-Ⅷ-14, Yang Chi-kun.Allied to Podabrus ishiharai Sato, 1986, but distinguishable from the latter species by the front area of head yellow and different structure of male genitalia.2. Prothemus neimongolanus Wang et Yang, sp. n.Female: Length: 7mm. Most area of head except a black marking at vertex, most area of pronotum ex cept a black marking behind the front edge, legs except tarsi yellow; antennae, elytra brownish black, abdomen brownish black with yellow edge.Head nearly round, 2nd antennal segment as long as 3rd, pronotum nearly round too, but wider than long, elytra with thick dense hairs, all claws simple. Female coxites separated into two branches.Holotype: (?), Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, Taibus B., 1979-Ⅷ-19, Chen Heming. Paratype:1 (?) , Nei Mongol Autonomous Region, Zhengxiangbai B., 1978-Ⅷ-5, Yang Chi-kun.This new species can be distinguished from other Prothemus species by the branched base of female coxite.