

摘要 内蒙古地处我国北部边疆,全境以高原为主,西部为戈壁沙漠,东部为宽阔草原,绝大多数地区属于温带大陆性气候;动物地理区划属于古北区中亚细亚区的内蒙河西干草原区。该区现已知草蛉3属16种(包括本文所记述的5新种和2新记录种),其分布特点是以狭义的草蛉属Chrysopa为主,而且以广布于华北地区的叶色草蛉Chrysopaphyllochroma Wesmeal为代表种,新种的模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所及北京农业大学昆虫标本室。 In this paper, we have revised the lacewings from Nei Mongol. Three genera (Chryso pa. Chrysoperla, Nineta) and 16 species are reported, of which 5 are new to science and 2 (Chrysopa altaicaand C. commata) are new to China. The type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica and the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University respectively. The new species are diagnosed as follows:1. Chrysopa fornicata sp.nov. (Fig.1)(?) Length of body 12mm. of forewing 15mm, of hind wing 12mm. Head yellowish brown, with a blackish stripe on each gena. Palpi and antennae yellowish brown. Thorax with a dorsal longitudinal yellow stripe. Pronotum with sparse dark hairs and a pair of pale brown spots at middle of lateral margins. Wings hyaline, in forewing and hind wing, crossveins in costal area. R-Rs and gradates all dark brown. Psm-Psc of forewing dark at both ends. Genitalia of femnale shown as in Fig. 1.Allied to Chrysopa fata Yang et Yang, but separable from it by the color of Psm-Psc in forewing, the spots on head and form of subgenitalia of female.Holotype (?) ,Nei Mongol Aut. Region, Bayannur League, Urad Middle and Rear Joint Banner, 11-Ⅶ-1986. Paratypes 2 (?) (?) , same date as holotype (Kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica).2. Chrsopa infulata sp.n. (Fig.2.)(?) Length of body 9 mm, of forewing 11 mm. of hindwing 10 mm. Head yellowish brown with a red-brown stripe on each gena and clypeus. one blackish behind antenna, a pair of brown stripes on the vertex and another between antennae. Antennae pale yellowish brown scape with a dark longitudinal stripe on inner surface. Palpi yellowish. Pronotum with dense black hairs, one brown spot on each side at the back. The veins of the wings yellowish, all thick. Male genitalia shown in Fig.2.A distinct species distingishable easily by the thick veins and the character of the male genitalia.Holotype (?) , Nei Mongol Aut. Region, Bayannur L., Dengkou Co. 28-Ⅵ-1986 (Kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica).3. Chrysopa jaspida sp.n. (Fig.3.)Length of body 9 mm, of forewing 13 mm, of hind wing 11 mm. Head yellowish green, without any spot. Palpi yellowish brown. Antennae yellowish green at base and yellowish brown at tip. Thorax green with a dorsal longitudinal yellow stripe. Pronotum with sparse black hairs. In forewing, crossveins in costal area R-Rs, Psm-Psc and gradates brown. Crossveins in costal area of hind wing brown, R-RS brown near tip of R1 Rgadates brown. Female genitalia shown in Fig.3.A distinct species, distinguishable by color of the crossveins of forewing, a dorsal longitudinal yellow stripe on thorax and abdomen.Holotype (?), Nei Mongol Aut. Region, Alxa Right B., 28-Ⅵ-1986 (Kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica). 4. Chrysopa neimengana sp n. (Fig.4.)3 Length of body 12 mm, of forewing 15mm, of hind wing 13 mm. Head yellow, with a darkish brown stripe in each gena, clypeus, and beneath antennae. Antenna yellowish green at base, and yellowish brown at tip. Maxipalpus and the second of labipalpus dark. Thorax with a dorsal longitudinal yellow stripe. Pronotum with dense dark hairs, a transverse furrow at base, with a brown spot at the end of the furrow. The cross veins of costal area, R-Rs and gradates of forewing and hind wing all dark brown.(?) Length of body 12 mm, of forewing 16 mm, of hindwing 13 mm.The genitalia of male and female shown in Fig. 4.Allied to Chrysopa se ptempunctata Wesmael, but different from it in the color of the gradates and the character of gonarcus of male.Holotype 5 , Nei Mongol Aut. Region, Ulanqab League, Liangcheng Co., 2-Ⅷ-1978. Allotype (?), Nei Mongol Aut. Region, Huhehot City, Tumd Left Banner, 24-Ⅷ-1978; Paratypes·2 (?) (?) , 2 (?) (?), Hulun Buir League, Ergun Right Banner; 2 (?) (?), 1 (?), 10Ⅶ-1986, Hulun Buir League, Arun Banner 1 (?), 23-⑶-1986The holotype and allotype are kept in the Insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University; the paratypes are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.5. Chrysopa strumata sp.n. (Fig.5.)(?) Length of body 9 mm, of
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1990年第3期225-234,共10页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
关键词 脉翅目 草蛉科 新种 新记录种 Nei Mongol Lacewings Neuroptera New species New records
  • 相关文献


  • 1杨集昆,昆虫分类学报,1989年,11卷,1/2期,13页








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