Benign osteoblastoma consists of osteoblast,ossiform tissue,fibroareolar and osseoustissue,which is formed rarely one of benign osseoustomas.In general,clinical diagnosis of benign osteoblastoma is very difficult and high misdiaenosis rate happened.It must be comfirmed at post-operationby pathologcal diaenosis.The osteoblastoma occurred in characteristic of osteoblastoma is particular and/or gravel shape,and more hemorrhage.It is rare recurrence after the tumor removed.The osteoblastoma is common to occur in the long bone and the spinal column,but rarely in the jow bone.Youngsters more easily suffer from this tumor. The tumor develops with expansion and inflamation.The injury might be an important factor that causesosserus tumor or stimulates the lesion developed.It is a pathological character that many osteoblasts exist in matrix with rich blood vessels and osserustissue and calcication deposited in the mesenchyme in different extent.The character of X-ray shows a shadow of cloudy and spot.Recently,there is no such report on the tumor deterioration.