Objective To determine the function of the N-linked glycosylation site of hantavirus GM04-38 in cell fusion preliminarily. Methods Site-directed mutagenesis was used to transform the aspara- gine on N-linked glycosylation site of hantavirus GM04-38 into alanine, according to the position of the sub- stitution, the mutants were named by N134A, N235A, N347A, N399A and N928A, which were then ex- pressed in Vero E6 cells. Western blot and IFA were performed to test the expression of glycosylation protein genes, and Giemsa staining was used to observe cell fusion activities. Results We expressed glycosylation protein successfully in Vero E6 cells. IFA showed the G1 and G2 gene were expressed efficiently, and the fluorescent signal was robust and concentrated in the perinuclear region of the transfected cells. Western blot showed all the mutants expressed G1 and G2 gene except the N134A mutant only expressed G2 gene. After mutation, cell fusion activities were not observed in the N134A and N928A mutant. Conclusion It is likely that N-linked glycosylation at 134 site is crucial in directing correct folding of G1, which made the mutant N134A was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum(ER) and could no longer be recognized by anti-G1 MeAbs. The mutation of the single site on G2 (N928) resulted in a loss of cell fusion, which suggests the 928 site on G2 is crucial for cell fusion and the fusion peptide is likely on G2.
Chinese Journal of Microbiology and Immunology