根据翅和翅芽的有无、长短,把分离群体中培养出的黑胸敌散蚁Reticulitermes chinensis Suyder补充生殖蚁命名为翅鳞型、长翅年型、短翅芽型、微翅芽型和无翅型补充生殖蚁。在工蚁、兵蚁、若蚁组成的群体中,分化较复杂,能培养出多种类型的补充生殖蚁,而在工蚁和兵蚁组成的群体中多数只培养出无翅型补充生殖蚁,少数远能培养出微翅型补充生殖蚁。短翅型、微翅型、无翅型补充生殖蚁需要经历一个后熟期才能产卵。此外,还对分离群体产生补充生殖蚁的频率、数量及初期产卵能力进行了观察。
Two nests with mature colonies of Reticulitermcs chinensis Snyder were dug out monthly from the field and brought into the laboratory for sorting out the castes and rearing them as separated initial colonies to observe the production and development of replacement reproduc-tives. The initial colonies were of two categories: one consisting only workers and soldiers (about 3%), each containing 100, 200 and 300 individuals; the other consisting workers, soldiers (3%) and nymphs (10%), each containing 50, 100, 200 and 300 individuals. According to the presence and size of wings or wingbuds, the replacement reproductives appearing in these initial colonies were classified into wingscale forms, long wingbud forms, short wingbud forms, microwingbud forms and wingbudless forms. The initial colonies consisting workers, foldiers and nymphs could be reared out many castes of replacement reproductives; but most of the initial colonies consisting workers and soldiers could only be reared out microwingbud replacement reproductives. Short wingbud forms, microwingbud forms and wingbudless forms could appear after some times. The frequencies of appearance and numbers of reproductives from the different initial colonies and their capacity to start egg-laying were also observed.
Acta Entomologica Sinica
Reticulitfrmes chinensis Snyder--replacement reproductive--initialcolony