通过测定低温胁迫下6种百合种球即泰伯(Tiber)、多阿娜(Pollyanna)、索蚌(Sor-bonne)、西伯利亚(Siberia)、耀眼(Ceb Dazzle)、布鲁塞尔(Brunello)的生理指标,以3℃为对照温度,分别测定0℃到-15℃下每一低温处理后6种百合种球的可溶性糖、丙二醛以及可溶性蛋白质含量3个生理指标,并通过观测法测定百合鳞片褐变率。结果表明:可溶性糖和丙二醛含量呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,增大过程与温度的变化呈极显著负相关,可溶性蛋白质含量与抗寒性正相关,丙二醛含量与抗寒性负相关,蛋白质含量随温度的降低先减小后增大再减小,与种球的抗寒性相关不大,通过褐变率得出6种百合的抗寒性强弱顺序为:布鲁塞尔>耀眼>西伯利亚>索蚌>多阿娜>泰伯。
The paper determined the physiological indexes ot bulb m 121y to make a research on chill-resistance of 6 cultivats include Tiber, Pollyanna, Sorbonne, Siberia, Ceb Dazzle, Brunello. 3℃ could be defined as controlled tempera ture, the physiological indexes contained soluble sugar, MDA, soluble protein of the Lily which had been under chilling stress from 0℃ to -15℃ were determined, and got the browning rate by observing. It turned out that the content of soluble sugar and MDA which increased in the first stage and decreased in the later stage with the decreased of tempera ture. The content of soluble sugar was positively correlated to chill-resistance but negatively correlated to the temperature. However, the content of MDA was negatively correlated to the both. In addition, the content of soluble protein decreased in the first time and increased in the second time, and then decreased in the last time. It followed that the conclusion about the order of Lily's chill-resistance was Brunello〉Ceb Dazzle〉Siberia〉Sorbonne〉Pollyanna〉Tiber.
Northern Horticulture