

No "Ideological Level" in Classic Literature?——A Discussion with Mr. Zhang Bao-Ming
摘要 张宝明先生的大作《人文学:文学史与思想史关系的再诠释》提出以"人文学"来整合文学史与思想史之关系,问题意识与探索精神难能可贵。但张文观点偏颇,逻辑混乱,论述古典文学的部分尤其突出。其要者有如下数端:一、扯学术概念。如其对"人文"、"思想"等概念之阐释,能为其所用者存,所不能用者弃;二、立论准的无依,莫衷一是。如以文学史、思想史之联系来肯定现代文学,以二者之贯通来否定古典文学;三、罔顾史实,师心遣论。如其以"五四"为标准的所谓现代性思想来通盘否定古典文学的思想性,既不符合古典文学实际,也不符合"五四"知识分子对古典文学的态度;四、自相矛盾,捉襟见肘。如其从普遍人性的角度来关合文学史与思想史,认为二者有"普遍"和"天然"的联系;既为"普遍"、"天然",何以古典文学又被排除在外?疵累种种,实难尽说,故草成此文,以就教于张先生。 In his book titled Humanities : a Re-Interpretation of the Relation between the History of Literature and the History of Thoughts, Mr. Zhang Bao-ming puts forward an argument of the relation between the history of literature and the history of thoughts integrated with humanities, which embodies a valuable exploration and innovation. But, at the same time, some of his viewpoints seem too radical and illogical, especially about classic literature. They are as follows: ( 1 ) Confusing academic concepts, for example, about the interpretation of the "humanities" and "thought" , and making a meaning choice according to his own needs. (2) No criteria about making a point, and being unable to decide which is fight. For example, using the relation between the history of literature and the history of thoughts to approve modem literature, and using the link between the two to negate classic literature. (3) Ignoring the facts and thinking him always fight. For example, using the so-called modem thought under the standard of the May 5th Movement to negate the ideological level of classic literature, which is neither realistic about classic literature nor consonant with the attitude of the May 4th intellectuals towards classic literature. (4) Being self-contradictory and over-extended. For example, from the perspective of universal humanity, connect the history of literature with the history of thoughts, considering that both have "universal" and "natural" link. Since the link is "universal" and "natural", why not to include classic literature? Faults such as these are everywhere. Therefore, Li Han's essay is written so as to dis- cuss with Mr. Zhang.
作者 李翰
机构地区 上海大学文学院
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期116-126,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 文学史 思想史 人文学 五四 history of literature history of thoughts humanities May 4th Movement
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