
中国弯翅蠊属(蜚蠊目:弯翅蠊科)研究 被引量:2

摘要 弯翅蠊属(Panesthia Serville,1831)是弯翅蠊科(Panesthiidae)中最大的类群。其种类生活于树林的枯枝朽木、地面落叶、垃圾、石缝及各种堆积物中,以各种腐殖质、树皮下的木质为生。过去,Brunner De Wattenwyl, C., Saussure, H., Hanitsch, R.以及Bey-Bienko,G.等曾零星报道过中国弯翅蠊10种,除2种异名,实为8种。近几年,我们结合野外采集,鉴定各地林虫标本,整理了我国弯翅蠊属,鉴定出8种,其中3种为中国的已知种,3种为中国新纪录,2个新种。本文长度单位均为mm。 This paper records 8 species of the genus Panesthia, in which 2 new species and 3 new records from China are described. The key of 8 species is given.All type specimens are kept in the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Panesthia concinna sp. nov, (figs. 4-5)Size medium. Head black brown, vertex non-foveolate, exposed. Face black, labrum dark brown, anteclypeus brown, with a pair of light brown blotches. Pronotum transverse ellipse, with the widest before middle part, anterior margin straight, slightly thickened, with mesal indentation, surface of disc punctulate, anterior half of pronotum deeply depressed, the region is delineated by a curved groove. Tegmina and wings fully developed, slightly beyond the end of abdomen. Legs dark brown, surface dense hairs, anterior femora with 2 spines. Abdominal tergites hairless, densely punctulate, anterolateral corners from T4 to T7 with holes. Supra-anal plate densely punctate, hind margin arcuate with 10 teeth, the apex of tooth acute. Right phallomere lack.Measurements: male, body length 29, pronotum length × width 5.5×9, tegmen length 25.5, total length 32 (mm).Holotype: male, Fujian (Wuyishan), 1982-Ⅵ-10; paratype: 1 male, Guizhou (Ceheng), 1979-V-25.Panesthia guangxiensis sp. nov. (figs. 8-9)Size medium. Head and face black red-brown, vertex non-foveolate, exposed, labrum red-brown, anteclypeus brown. Pronotum transverse ellipse, with the widest in middle part, anterior margin straight, slightly thickened, with mesal indentation, surface of disc punctulate, anterior half of pronotum deeply depressed, the region is delineated by a curved groove. Tegmina and wings mutilated. Legs red-brown, surface rare hair, anterior femora with 2 spines. Abdominal tergites hairless, rarely punctulate, anterolateral corners from T4 to T7 with holes. Supra-anal plate densely punctate, hind margin arcuate with 8 teeth, the apex of tooth blunt and round. Right Phallomere non-hook, with its apex forming a needle.Measurements: male, body length 26, pronotum length Ⅹ width 5.2×10 (mm).Holotype: male, Guangxi (Jinxiu), 1981-Ⅺ-6.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第2期213-218,共6页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
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