
我国政府组织机构沿革的现实逻辑:从命令链到绩效链 被引量:6

Evolving of Chinese Government Institutions' Reform:from Command to Performance
摘要 政府组织形式改革同样存在路径依赖的可能性,这就可能导致蹈入低效率路径并产生"锁定"效应。我国机构改革中路径依赖存在6个规律性命题:对权力的"大"变"小"、"聚"变"拆";从"大"到"小"与从"小"到"大"的"机构幻觉";从"议行合一"到"混沌行政国家";从命令链向绩效链转化的萌芽;"锁定"与"解锁"过程中的"既非锁定也非高效"态;"增量改革效率"到S效率的飞跃。为科学推进我国目前的政府组织形式——"大部制"改革,新一轮改革从一开始就应走在"理想线"上,或者至少尽量靠近"理想线"。 Reform of government institutions may has the path dependance, which will induce the low effiency. In the reform of government institution, there are 6 aspects which have the features of path dependance. The deep reform- ing idea is to turn big right to small one, from gather to disjoin; the evolution of oganization give us the illusion from big to small,and from small to big. The evolving logic turns from command to performance. Generally, the reform is in the status of unlocked and uneffcient in the process of locking and unlocking. In order to promote current form of government organization, which is Super-Ministry System, the new round refom should be up the ideal standard from the start,at least close to the ideal standard.
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期133-139,共7页 Reform
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于数据挖掘的我国地方政府绩效评估指标设计研究"(批准号:70873100)
关键词 政府组织 机构改革 路径依赖 理想线 规律性命题 government institution, institution reform, path dependence, ideal standard, proposition in law
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