ontisch是海德格尔哲学中一个非常重要的概念,对它的不同理解和翻译,涉及到对海德格尔整个哲学思想的把握。在国内学术界,这个词一般被翻译为"存在者状态上的"或"存在者层次上的",后一种译法为《存在与时间》一书的中译本更多地采用。诚然,在海德格尔哲学中,on-tisch作为一个形容词,后面可以跟"研究"、"发现"、"科学"、"概念"等不同的名词搭配,这类研究等等确实是关涉存在者的,而ontologisch则是关涉存在者的存在的。但是,笼统地把它翻译为"存在者层次上的",容易产生歧义:既可以指某种研究或科学只达到对存在者的把握,也可以指作为某种研究之对象的存在者处在存在者层次上。事实上,当ontisch跟"状态"、"结构"等名词搭配时,人们还把这个词翻译为"在存在者层次上的",就不再是指某种研究只达到对存在者的把握这个意思了,而就是指某个被研究对象处在存在者层次上。把ontisch翻译为"研究存在者的"或"存在者论的",倒是能明确地体现出某种研究只达到对存在者的把握这层含义,但是,这种译法却不能翻译dieontische Verfassung des Daseins、dieontische Struktur des Daseins等组合词。它们原本就是指此在的存在状态或存在结构,如果把ontisch翻译为"存在者层次上的"或"存在者状态上的",就恰好把此在的"存在状态"或"存在结构"都遮蔽了。于是,原本属于海德格尔基础存在论之对象的此在的存在(Sein),即生存(Existenz),就统统被降格为"存在者"(Seiende)了。这样翻译,既违背了海德格尔的本意,而且也会使许多中译文难以为读者所理解。ontisch按照德文词典的释义,本来就是"存在的"或"存在上的"意思,按照词典上的解释来翻译,不仅不会犯混淆存在和存在者层次的错误,而且会使人们更加清楚地认识到:一种只关涉和研究存在者的研究或科学,恰好就是此在的含糊的存在领会,就是此在的独特的存在方式或生存方式。
'Ontisch' is an important concept in Heidegger’s philosophy,whose different translations and understandings will lead to different interpretations of Heidegger’s philosophy. In China,'ontisch' is usually translated into 'at the level/state of Seiende',which is the preference of the Chinese translator for 'Being and Time'. In Heidegger’s philosophy,'ontisch' as an adjective can be followed by such nouns as 'research','finding','science'' or 'concept' which are related to 'Seiende' but 'ontologisch' is related to 'existence of Seiende',referring to either the understanding of Seiende by a certain research or science or Seiende as the research object. If 'ontisch' is translated into 'a study of Seiende' or 'of the theory of Seiende',they might indicate the level of the study of Seiende,but they are not applicable to the translation of such phrases as 'die ontische Verfassung des Daseins' and 'die ontische Struktur des Daseins' which refer to the state or structure of existence. If 'ontisch' is translated into 'at the level/state of Seiende',it fails to express the meanings of 'state or structure of existence'. 'Sein' and 'Existenz' in Heidegger’s philosophy are different but such translations have reduced them to 'Seiende' which will lead to misunderstanding. A correct understanding and translation of 'ontisch' will help reveal the true meaning of Heidegger’s understanding of existence or Sein.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition