
直流清洗电场对储存环聚焦参数修正作用的研究 被引量:1

Research on Changes of Focusing Structure Parameters Caused by theDC-Clearing Electric Field of Storage
摘要 研究了直流清洗电场对储存环聚焦参数的修正作用。认为该清洗电场形成的横向振荡数移位,与储存束流闭轨实时位置有关。指出电极沿环不对称分布的此类清洗电场,会破坏储存环聚焦结构的对称性,降低储存环的接受度,在一定条件下,对注入积累束流过程有负作用。 The changes of focusing structure parameters caused by the DC-clearing electric field of storage ring were researched. The conclusion is made that tune shift caused by the DC-clearing electric field is related to the real-time close orbit of stored beam. The clearing electric field asymmetrically distributed along the ring destroys the symmetry of the focusing structure and decreases the acceptance of storage ring. It has negative effect to the injection and accumulation process in certain condition.
出处 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 1998年第8期755-762,共8页 High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics
关键词 清洗电场 横向振荡数移位 储存环 聚集参数 clearing electric field. tune shift deformed close orbit. asymmetrical distribution acceptance of storage ring
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