
干旱区绿洲退耕还林工程绩效评价研究——以张掖市为例 被引量:3

Study of How to Assess the Performance of the Grain for Green Project in Oases of Arid Regions:A Case Study in Zhangye Municipality
摘要 退耕还林,重建生态环境,是当前实施西部大开发的根本切入点.退耕还林工程是通过把原本是林地或草地的耕地恢复成原来的土地利用类型,使受损或退化生态系统最终成为健康的生态系统,从而使当地生态环境更适合人类生存发展.从此目标出发,抛开经济利益而从自然生态系统恢复和社会心理影响等方面建立指标体系,利用主成分分析法综合评价了干旱区内张掖市的退耕还林绩效.结果表明:2002—2004年张掖市退耕还林工程执行效果较好,其中生态系统在数量上恢复较好的乡镇有明花乡;生态系统在质量上恢复较好的有明花乡和平川镇;工程执行过程中居民保护环境意识有较大提高的有民联乡和霍城镇;人们满意程度最高的是明花乡.总体上看,张掖市退耕还林工程执行绩效最好的是明花乡,其次是平川镇,最差的是永固镇,其余处于中间水平.最后,在分析张掖市退耕还林绩效差异基础上,针对提高退耕还林工程绩效提出一些建议. The action of returning the cultivated land into forests or grasslands project which improve the ecological and environmental conditions has been recognized and emphasized in the western development campaign (WDC) by the Chinese Central Government. The aim of the Grain for Green Project is to change the damaged ecosystem into a good ecosystem by converting the farmlands which are unfit for farming into forestlands and grasslands, becoming a local ecosystem more suitable to human subsistence and development. In this sense, the indexes of performance of Grain for Green Project should not emphasize economic benefits. Based on the method of quantitatively appraising the performance of the Grain for Green Project, in this paper, the index system is set up from renew of natural ecological systems and its influence of social psychology, using the principal component analysis (PCA) to appraise the performance of the Grain for Green project in Zhangye Municipality. The result shows that the implementing effect of the Grain for Green Project is better in Zhangye Municipality between 2002 and 2004. The village in which the renew of ecosystem in quantity is best is Minghua village; the village/town in which the renew of ecosystem in quality is best is Minghua village and Pingchuan town; the village/ town in which the dwellers' protect-environment consciousness are highest improved is Minlian village and Huocheng town; the village in which the dwellers are best satisfied with the Grain for Green project is Minghua village. In the whole, the performance of the Grain for Green Project in Minghua village is the highest, Pingchuan town is the second, and Yonggu town is the last. Finally, the causes of the difference between the villages/towns in Zhangye Municipality are analyzed; some recommendations are put forward in order to improve the performance of the Grain for Green Project in Zhangye Municipality.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期546-552,共7页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
基金 中国科学院西部行动计划项目(KZCX2-XB2-04-04) 国家自然科学基金项目(40671076)资助
关键词 退耕还林 绩效 张掖市 干旱区 Grain for Green Project performance Zhangye Municipality arid regions
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