

Optical Properties of HfO_xN_y Thin Films at Different Deposition Temperatures
摘要 采用射频反应磁控溅射法制备了HfOxNy栅介质薄膜,并研究了HfOxNy栅介质薄膜的光学特性随淀积温度的变化而发生变化的规律.椭偏仪模拟结果显示HfOxNy薄膜的折射率和消光系数都是随衬底温度的升高而增加,根据消光系数和吸收系数还得到了HfOxNy薄膜的光学带隙值,随着衬底温度的升高,带隙减小,这主要是由于N含量的增加所致. High extinction coefficient dielectric HfOxNy films were prepared by radio frequency reactive sputtering in oxygen and nitrogen ambient. The effects of deposition temperatures on the optical properties of HfOxNy thin films were investigated. Spectroscopic ellipsometry results show that both the refractive index n and the extinction coefficient k of the HfOxNy thin films increase with increasing deposition temperatures. The absorption coefficient α of the films was also obtained. The optical band gap was found to decrease with the increase of deposition temperature, which is likely due to the increase of N content in the film at higher deposition temperature.
作者 张丽明 王莹
出处 《化学研究》 CAS 2009年第3期77-79,共3页 Chemical Research
关键词 HfOxNy薄膜 射频反应磁控溅射 椭偏仪 光学特性 HfOxNythin films radio frequency reactive sputtering spectroscopic ellipsometry optical properties
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