

摘要 杜隧蜂属Dufourea是杜隧蜂亚科Dufoureinae的一个属。其主要特征是雌性触角粗短,雄性触角长度一般不超过胸部,各节表面正常;中足距端部尖,栉不明显;雄性腹部第6腹板端部三齿状;第7背板具臀板;第7腹板端部分叉,被羽状长毛;生殖刺突细长,与生殖突基节分离,阳茎基腹铗宽而扁平,不活动;中足及后足腿节及胫节正常,不特化。 中国过去曾记载有三种杜隧蜂,即高原杜隧蜂Dufourea metallica Mor.青海杜隧蜂Dufourea armata Popov及变色杜隧蜂Dufourea versicola Alfken。本文记述了云南杜隧蜂Dufourea yunnanensis sp.nov.绿光杜隧蜂Dufourea chlora sp.nov.。 The present paper deals with the genus Dufourea from China, in which five species are described as new to science. The differences between the males of D. pseudomttallica sp. nov., D. tibetensis sp. nov. and D. armata Popov, the females of D. metallica Morawitz, D. tibe-tensis sp. nov. and D. armata Popov are given. All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.1. Dufourea yunnanensis sp. nov. (figs. 2-10)Length (?) 6 mm, (?) 6-7 mm. Similar to D. armata Popov, but it differs in: abdomen green, without cooper lustre; clypeus with very dense punctures, not smooth with sparse punctures; the apex of 6th sternite, 7th-8th sternites and genitalia different from D. armata as illustrated in figs.Holotype (?), Xiaozhongdian (27°N, 99°E) 2900 M, Yunnan, 7. VII. 1984. Fan Jianguo. Al-lotype, (?) and paratypes 1(?), 23(?) same as holotype.2. Dufourea chlora sp. nov. (fig. 11)Length (?) 6 mm. Closely related to D. armata Popov, but the head longer than D. armata, body smooth with green metallic lustre. Holotype (?), Kangdingluba (30°N, 101°E), 3450M. Sichuan, 9. IX. 1982, Zhang Xuezhong.3. Dufourea lijiangensls sp. nov. (figs. 12-16) Length (?) 5.5 - 6.5 mm. Similar to D. armata Popov, but the apical process of the 6th sternite slender, the middle tooth longer; 1st flagellum equal to 2nd, not 1st shorter than 2nd; abdominal tergites smooth with very sparse punctures.Holotype (?) Yunnan, Lameiru, Lijing County, (26°N, 100°E) 2800M, 12. Ⅷ. 1984, Fan Jianguo.4 Dufourea tibetensis sp. nov. (figs. 17 - 20)Dufourea armata, Wu 1982, in 'Insect of Xizang', vol. 2:393 (partim), nec Popov, 1959. Xizang.Length (?) 6 - 7 mm, (?) 5 - 6 mm. (?) Closely allied to D. metallicaMorawitz, but punctures of basal part of clypeus large and sparse, not dense basal 1/3 part of 2nd-3rd tergites with small and very dense punctures, other part with larger but very sparse punctures. (?) similar to D. armata, but the anal plate shorter; the process of 6th sternite with out very sharp lateral teeth; basal part of lateral margin narrow; surface of each flagellum convex; head with black hairs except clypeus, without white hairs; 7th - 8th ster-nites and genitalia different.Holotype (?) Xizang, Zuoguan (30°N, 98°E), 3800 M, 1. Ⅶ. 1976, Zhang Xuezhong. Allotype (?) as holotype. Paratypes, 75(?),16(?) as above; Riwoge (31°N, 97°E), 3750 M, 16. Ⅷ. 1976, 24(?), 1(?); Sangduo, Riwoge County (31°N, 97°E), 3750 M, 25Ⅷ. 1976, 4(?); Jiangda (31°N, 98°E), 3400 M, 29. Ⅶ. 1976, Haiton, Mangkam (29°N, 98°E), 6- 11.Ⅷ. 1982, 33(?), 5(?); Sichuan, Tuoba, Changdu County (31°N, 97°E), 3900 M, 8.Ⅷ.1976,5. Dufourea pseudometallica sp. nov. (figs. 21 - 25)Length (?) 5.5 - 6.5 mm. Similar to D. tibeiensis, but frons with a longitudinal carina; pedicel longer; process of 6th sternite without an obvious lateral tooth; anal plate wider; 7th - 8th sternites and genitalia different.Holotype (?), Xizang, Haiton, Mangkam County (29°N, 98°E), 3250 M, 10.Ⅷ.1982; Wang Shuyong. Paratypes 3(?), same as above, 8 - 9. Ⅷ. 1982, Sichuan, Miyalo, Li County (31°N, 103°E), 2800 M, 14. Ⅷ. 1983, 1(?), Wang Shuyong.6. Dufourea armata Popov, 1959Dufourea armata Popov, 1959, Entom. Oboz., 38(1): 226 - 228. Wu Yan-ru (partim), 1982, Insects of Xizang, vol. 2: 393, Qinghai, Guinan (35.5°N, 101°E), 2100- 3120 M, 24. Ⅵ. 1957, 1(?) (Chang Yi-ran col.); Xining (36.5°N, 101.5°E) 23.Ⅶ.1950, 1(?)(Yan Ji-kun col.); Lamahe (37°N, 100°E) 27.Ⅶ.1950 1(?), 1(?) (Yang Ji-kun col.) Yushu (33°N, 96.5°E), 3750 M, 30.Ⅶ.1964, 1(?) (Wang Shu-yong col.).(?) (new description) Similar to Dufourea. metallica MOr., but the main differences are: head covered with white hairs, only on the clypeus and lateral sides of vertex with a few blackbrown hairs; 5th - 6th tergites covered with yellowish hairs; punctures on basal 1/3 part of 2nd - 5th tergites small and dense.Thank Dr. Pesenko (Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR) for loaning the type specimens of D. armata Popov and D. metalica Morawitz.
作者 吴燕如
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第4期466-475,共10页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
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