

Reshuffle in the Handset Industry
摘要 一夜之间,全球最成功的公司突然都成为了我们的竞争对手,这的确让我们有点儿难以置信。”说这话的是全球手机市场份额超过1/3的诺基亚公司的CEO康培凯,这家称霸手机行业多年的老大,从来没有像今天这样的惶恐过。 It might be a hard time for the world's biggest mobile handset maker Nokia Company, as some most active companies in the world suddenly turned out to be its rivals on the handset market. Hit by the financial crisis in 2008, global handset industry is witnessing the first fall in the last ten years. Traditional handset giants like Motorola and Sony Erission continue to slide. The handset industry is entering a cross-sector era with PC corporations, such as Apple and Dell, and Internet companies like Google are rushing to pan the gold on the mobile market. And Korean handset makers are also rising. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are setting their goals as the world's No.1 handset maker, a direct threat to Nokia. Worse still, China's telecom service providers ZTE Corporation and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. will soon make their way to the top five handset makers in the world. According to ZTE's semiyearly report this year, its sales of mobile terminals has exceeded 27 million, up 36% compared to the same period of last year; meanwhile, Hawei sold over 33 million cell phones in 2008. A reshuffle is around the corner on the global handset sector. New players, new business models and new rules are emerging and growing. A completely new industrial scene may appear within the next decade.
作者 吴颖 冀勇庆
出处 《IT经理世界》 2009年第18期72-80,8,共9页
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