
宽恕干预研究述评——宽恕在心理治疗中的作用 被引量:21

Review of Studies on Forgiveness Intervention:Effect of Forgiveness on Psychotherapy
摘要 宽恕能帮助受害者消除愤怒、减轻痛苦,修复心理创伤。在西方,宽恕已被当作干预目标应用于临床和教育领域。结果表明,宽恕干预能明显减少来访者的愤怒、抑郁、焦虑等消极的情绪体验,增加积极的心理体验,如希望和自尊。宽恕过程模型以及REACH宽恕模型是目前最具代表性的两个宽恕干预理论模型。这两个理论模型均由若干环节构成。在这些环节中,定义宽恕、回忆伤害事件、建立共情、知觉到对他人的伤害、承诺宽恕以及克服阻碍宽恕的因素是促进个体宽恕的重要环节,是在宽恕干预过程中应特别注意的地方。 Forgiveness is helpful to reduce anger, relieve pain and heal a harmful experience. In western countries, forgiveness intervention has been used in clinical and educational areas. The results show that it can significantly decrease the participants' negative emotions such as anger, depression and anxiety and increase their positive feelings like hope and self-esteem. The Process Model and REACH Model are two typical theoretical models concerning forgiveness intervention. Both theories comprise many phases, among which defining forgiveness, recalling the hurt, building empathy, acknowledging one's own offenses, committing to forgiving and overcoming unforgiveness are important phases to promote individual forgiveness and deserve special attention during forgiveness intervention.
作者 宗培 白晋荣
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期1010-1015,共6页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 宽恕 宽恕干预 理论模型 forgiveness forgiveness intervention theoretical model
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