
前交叉韧带易伤动作的下肢运动生物力学分析 被引量:2

Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury risky lower limb moves
摘要 对31名(13男,18女)普通大学生完成急停起跳、侧切和垂直落地前冲动作下肢运动学和动力学指标进行测试与分析,以了解不同前交叉韧带危险动作和性别对下肢力学指标的影响。应用红外光点运动测试系统和测力台对受试者完成动作过程中膝关节三维角度和地面三维反作用力进行测量。研究结果表明,3个动作着地阶段的力学指标有显著不同,证明3种运动形式在前交叉韧带损伤机制上存在差异。与急停起跳和垂直落地前冲动作相比,完成侧切动作将受到较高的水平方向地面反作用力,产生较小的膝关节屈角和较大的膝关节外展角。3个动作着地阶段中的力学差异不受性别影响。 The authors tested and analyzed the kinetic and dynamic indexes of such lower limb moves as jumping after a sudden stop, sideward dashing and forward dashing after vertical landing on the ground completed by 31 (13 male and 18 female) college students, so as to comprehend the effects of different anterior cruciate ligament injury risky moves and genders on the mechanical indexes of lower limbs. By using an infrared point movement test system and a force measurement deck, the authors measured the 3D angles of the knee joints and the 3D reaction forces of the ground during the testees completing the moves, and revealed the following findings: at the landing stage, the mechanical indexes of these three moves are significantly different, which proves that there is a difference between these three movement forms in the anterior cruciate ligament injuring mechanism; compared with the moves of jumping after a sudden stop and forward dashing after vertical landing on the ground, completing the sideward dashing move will subject to a bigger horizontal ground reaction force, and produce a smaller knee joint flexion angle and a larger knee joint abduction angle; at the landing stage, the mechanical differences between these three moves are not affected by gender.
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第8期96-101,共6页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 北京市重点实验室项目(2007TY019)
关键词 运动生物力学 易伤动作 前交叉韧带 sports biomechanics injury risky moves anterior cruciate ligament
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