Waste management is a global environmental issue. Increasing population, rapid economic growth and rising living standard can accelerate the generation rate of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). This situation is more serious in developing countries like China, who has overrun the U.S. to be the world's largest MSW generator. Due to the limited space for landfill and the huge cost in construction programs of municipal incinerators, solid waste management strategies should turn to focus on promoting the recycling, recovery and reuse of secondary materials. Improper management of MSW can threaten the life of urban inhabitants and cause a tremendous amount of cost. Therefore, to improve waste management, it is useful to design efficient collection routes for vehicles and scheduling programs for the solid waste collection system. In this paper, the current status of MSW Vehicle Routing Problem (MSWVRP) in Pudong District of Shanghai is analyzed in detail firstly. According to the waste collection and transportation process, a mathematic model is established with consideration of limiting factors, including the bearing and volume of each waste collection point as well as the volume and capacity of collection trucks. The purpose is to design the most economical routes for the waste collection trucks. A sweep algorithm and the branch-and-bound algorithm are integrated to achieve the optimization. The geographic information system (GIS) is used to analyze existing maps and data, in order to digitize the existing sanitary ward boundaries and to enter the data of the wards and disposal sites. The optimized collection and transport route of the truck is then shown in the GIS environment. With the GIS technology, the MSW management system can be used as a decision support tool and allow the decision maker to analyze many waste collection alternatives before selecting a final operational scenario. The case study in Pudong District is a typical example to prove the feasibility of the optimization. Compared with the current practice, the waste management cost can be reduced and the working efficiency can also be improved to a certain extent. Therefore, the proposed method is of practical meaning.
Resources Science
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
Vehicle Routing Problem
Geography Information System (GIS)
Sweep Algorithm
Branch and Bound