
失去了灵魂的西方现代艺术 被引量:3

摘要 曹砚黛认为,从最本质的意义上讲,林林总总的现代艺术都是观念艺术,或者至少都是关于"观念"的艺术。在这种"观念"被凸显而"审美"被弱化的艺术面前,传统的"本质主义"的美学理论确实面临着危机。正是为了克服这种危机,才有了亚瑟.丹托的"艺术终结论"和乔治.迪基的"艺术惯例论"。王祖哲认为,艺术的精神实质不是"观念",而是"想象"。正是由于背离了这一精神实质,才使得西方现代艺术在一种虚张声势的观念游戏中陷入了一场难以自拔的美学危机。而作为这场危机的理论掩盖者,乔治.迪基的"艺术惯例论"与已经商业化了的现代艺术制度之间构成了某种共生和共谋的关系。陈炎则主张,必须从西方感性与理性分裂的文化逻辑中去寻找造成这场"美学危机"的内在驱动力。由于理性精神的极端性发展,走上绝境的认识论美学只得乞灵于哲学思辨,从而使艺术从科学的附庸演变为哲学的奴仆。齐安.亚菲塔则认为,现代艺术视觉观念的转型有着深刻的历史原因,但是西方人在废除旧的艺术法则之后却无法建立新的艺术范式。为此,他不仅提出了自己有关"心印"的理论,而且希望借中国文化的优势来解除西方艺术的困局。 Cao Yandai maintains that all sorts of modern art are essentially in the category of conceptual art or at least of the art about concepts. Confronted with a situation as such in which concepts are protruding while the aesthetic has been weakened,the essentialism in traditional aesthetics has to be in a crisis. The existences of Arthur Danto's theory of the end of art and George Dickie's institutional theory are just for overcoming the crisis. Wang Zuzhe supposes the essence of art is imagination rather than concepts or ideas,and it is the betray of its essence that causes such a pretendingly blustering play of concepts before Western modern art finally fell into a difficult crisis of aesthetics. George Dickie's institutional theory has covered up the crisis and developed a sort of symbiosis with modern art institution which has been commercialized. Chen Yan proposes we must look for the internal momentum which has caused the 'crisis of aesthetics' from the cultural logics in the split between sensuality and rationality in the West. And as the rational spirit has developed excessively,the epistemological aesthetics now in cul-de-sac has to implore philosophical speculations while art gets no benefit but from originally being the vassal of science to being the servant of philosophy. Tsion Avital has analyzed the historical and cultural causes of the collapse of the figurative art paradigm and of the disorder and even swindle into which art has fallen thereafter. Based on his criticism of Western modern art,he also put forward a theory of Mindprints with an attempt to resolve the dilemma of Western art by means of some advantages in Chinese culture.
作者 王祖哲
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期96-99,共4页 Academic Monthly
关键词 西方现代艺术 灵魂 19世纪末 人类历史 弗朗西斯 假象 市场 中医 Western modern art,concept,revolution,reflection
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