
聚烯烃弹性纤维XLA^(TM)的结构及其弹性表征 被引量:6

The Characterization of Structure & Elastic Properties of Polyolefin Based Elastic Fiber XLA^(TM)
摘要 通过扫描电镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FT-IR)、力学试验和差示扫描量热法(DSC)等测试方法表征了聚烯烃弹性纤维XLATM的结构和弹性,对比分析了氨纶和XLATM纤维弹性的作用机理。XLATM纤维截面为圆矩形,表面较光滑;分子组成中不存在不饱和双键和非烃类物质,化学结构稳定;晶体中存在准六方晶和正交晶系两种晶型,结晶度为30%,比一般聚烯烃类纤维低很多;常温下处于高弹态,熔程较宽,为45~80℃;该纤维初始模量较氨纶高,在伸长率大于130%后拉伸强度比氨纶小;弹性回复率随伸长率的增加呈非线性下降趋势,塑性变形在180s内随回复停顿时间的延长而减小。 The structure and elasticity of polyolefin based elastic fiber XLATM were characterized through SEM, FR-IT and DSC etc. Comparing to polyurethane, elastic mechanism of XLA^TM fiber was analyzed. It was found that the fiber was round rectangle in cross section and smooth in surface. Unsaturated C=C band and non-hydrocarbons were not present. There were pseudo hexagonal and orthorbombic crystal structures in the material and the crystallinity was 30 % which was lower than that of eommon polyolefin fibers. XLATM fiber was in high elastic state at ambient temperature and the melting range was from 45 ℃ to 80 ℃. Initial modulus of XLATM fiber was higher than that of polyurethane, while the strength was lower when elongation was above 130 %. There was a downward trend in non-linear on elastic recovery of XLATMfiber with the increase of elongation and the plastic deformation decreased with extending dwell time after recovery within 180 s.
出处 《合成纤维》 CAS 2009年第9期20-24,共5页 Synthetic Fiber in China
关键词 聚烯烃弹性纤维XLA^TM 结构 弹性 表征 polyolefin elastic fiber XLA^TM, structure, elastic, characterization
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