
中国海洋捕捞能力的计量与分析 被引量:11

The measuring and analyzing on the fishing capacity for Chinese marine fleets
摘要 采用数据包络分析方法,以渔船数、总吨位、总功率和专业劳动力为投入指标。以年捕捞产量为产出指标,对我国1994至2005年的近海捕捞与远洋渔业的捕捞能力与能力利用度进行了系统的计量,并以此为依据对我国渔业管理的政策绩效进行了量化分析,发现近年来近海捕捞的渔船数和捕捞劳力的过剩率得到了较好的控制,但渔船总吨位与总功率的过剩率却还处于相对较高的水平。说明目前我国近海增加捕捞能力的主要手段依然是提高渔船的总功率与总吨位,需要在今后的渔业管理中引起重视。通过近海与远洋渔业的比较研究发现,我国近海捕捞能力的实际过剩率已超过了50%,捕捞能力的利用水平不高且提高程度有限;而远洋渔业的能力利用度则尚有较大的提高空间。研究同时显示:我国近海捕捞能力利用度与远洋捕捞能力利用度两条曲线在每次远离后都有互相靠拢的趋势。表明我国远洋捕捞的能力利用度提高后,会吸引近海渔业的部分捕捞能力转入远洋渔业,在降低远洋渔业能力利用度的同时,减轻了近海渔业资源的捕捞压力,也使近海捕捞的能力利用度得以提高;反之,当远洋渔业的能力利用度相对近海渔业较低时,就会有一部分远洋渔业的捕捞能力转入近海捕捞,加大了近海的捕捞强度,使近海捕捞的能力利用度下降。所以,积极提高并保持远洋渔业的能力利用度,对缩减近海捕捞规模有较直接的影响。 Using the amount of vessels, gross tonnage, total power and professional fishing labor as four input indexes, the total fishing yield in a year as an output index, the fishing capacity and the capacity utilization of Chinese inshore and pelagic fleets were systematically measured by the data envelopment analysis (DEA) method from 1994 to 2005. Based on the calculated results, the policy performance carried out by Chinese fishing managers was quantificationally analyzed for Chinese inshore fishing industry in these years. The research showed: the fishing capacity of inshore fleets was increased before 2000; it was decreased and had been curtailed about 8% from 2001 to 2005. It displayed that Chinese inshore fishery management achieved some effect in these years. According to the research on the fishery input by input- oriented DEA method, the rate of surplus for the amount of fishing vessels and the professional fishing labor has been better controlled than for the gross tonnage and total power to Chinese inshore fleets. It showed that the inshore fishing capacity has been mainly enhanced by the increasing fleets' power and tonnage at present. It should be attached importance by the related managers. Comparing the inshore fishery to pelagic industry, the research affirmed: there is more than 50% surplus for Chinese inshore fleets. The capacity utilization of these inshore fishing fleets is not ideally high enough and its increased extent will be limited. Contrarily, the fishing capacity utilization of pelagic industry will be more probably promoted than the inshore fleets'. Although the ratio of capacity output of pelagic industry to inshore fishery was heightened from 0.10:1 to 0.17: 1, but the fishing capacity of pelagic industry has not come to 20% to the inshore fishery. It indicated that Chinese pelagic industry is now still in an elementary phase. At the same time, the research also found that there is a closer trend for the capacity utilizations between the inshore fleets and pelagic industry after they parted from each other. It may be explained that the inshore fishing fleets will be attracted to go to ocean if the capacity utilization of pelagic industry is high enough. This will lighten the pressure of the inshore fishery resources. So it resulted in the fact that the capacity utilization of inshore fleets was increased and the capacity utilization of pelagic industry was decreased. On the opposite, if the capacity utilization of pelagic industry was lower enough than the inshore fishery, some fleets will switch into the inshore fishery instead of pelagic fishing. It will increase the pressure of the inshore fishery resources and reduce the fishing capacity utilization of inshore fishery. Hereby the development of pelagic industry will directly influence the inshore fishing capacity. So improving and holding the high efficiency for pelagic industry would be useful to control inshore fishing capacity. Atfention should be paid to this problem by our administration departments.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期885-892,共8页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 上海市教育委员会资助(07ZS142) 上海海洋大学中国渔业战略研究中心资助(6690607077)
关键词 数据包络分析法 捕捞能力 近海捕捞 远洋渔业 DEA method fishing capacity inshore fishing pelagic fishing
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