
国外产业政策研究的新进展 被引量:3

New Development of Theory of Foreign Industrial Policy
摘要 近年来,由于知识经济的发展和"华盛顿共识"的失败,国外产业政策研究取得了很多重要进展:协调失灵论和系统失灵论为产业政策的实施奠定了新的理论基础;水平型、功能型和选择型产业政策的三分法为产业政策的研究提供了新的分析框架;出现了以能力建设与创新政策为核心的新式产业政策,它无论是在内涵还是外延上都比"旧式"产业政策有了更大的拓展;而欧盟由框架性政策、水平型产业政策与部门产业政策所构成的产业政策实践则为现代产业政策体系的发展提供了新的思维模式和新视角。如何创造性运用产业政策理论的新发展解决我国创新型国家建设中的实际问题是我们目前面前的一项主要挑战。 In recent years, as a result of the development of knowledge economy and the failure of the "Washington Consensus" , we saw great development in the study of foreign industrial policy: coordination failure and system failure lay the new theoretical foundation for the implementation of industrial policy ; industrial policy falls into the category of horizontal policy, functional policy and selective policy, which provides a new analytical framework for the study of industrial policy ; capacity building and innovation become the core of the new industrial policy, which expands the connotation and extension of the "old" industrial policy; and the system of industrial policy of the EU, which consists of frame policy, horizontal policy and sectional policy, makes us examine the development of modern industrial policy from a new perspective. It is a great challenge to creatively apply the new development of industrial policy theory to the solution to practical problems in the process of making China an innovative nation.
作者 姜达洋
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2009年第5期32-37,共6页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
基金 天津市教委重点项目"技术创新与产业发展"(2006ZH92)阶段性成果 天津市社科规划项目"中低技术产业创新问题研究"(Tj-H08-2-111)阶段性成果
关键词 产业政策 市场失灵 能力建设 创新 industrial policy market failure capacity building innovation
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