The population density of gallnut phids, Kaburagia rhusicola Takagi, has much to do with production of Chinese gallnut. This paper deals mainly with the ecological adaptation of Du -aphids, Kaburagia rh usicola Takagi. The moss, Eurohypnum leptothallum (C. Muell. )Ando., was growm on five different artificial habitats, V -- type ditch, terraced platform, slope of 45 degree, high bed and wood plates, in the woodland; the summer migrants were inoculated on to the moss in different habitats to rear overwinter ing nymphs,increased the plpulation density in the plantation. The experiment has been made in aplantation of 3. 03ha, the unit yields amounting 427. 5kg on the average, which is 6. 0 times as much as the contrast.
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research