
复兴奥林匹克史上不可抹去的一页——论德国学者对现代奥运会诞生的贡献 被引量:1

The Unforgettable History of Revival of the Olympics——The discussion on german scholars' contribution to the birth of the modern Olympic Games
摘要 现代奥运会的诞生是广阔时代背景下、经过几代人长期努力的结果。在顾拜旦之前,有太多的学者为现代奥运的诞生而付出了辛劳。本文所论及的3位德国学者——温克尔曼、古茨穆茨和库齐乌斯,正是为现代奥运会诞生做出重要贡献的卓越代表。特别是温克尔曼这位被国内体育史书一笔带过的考古学之父,是他赋予古代奥运会艺术、精神和智慧的价值,激起人们寻找和挖掘古代奥林匹克遗址热情和希望。同时本文也希望纠正国内历史书中提到温克尔曼去过希腊奥运会遗址这一说法。 The birth of the modem Olympic Games is the result of long--term efforts under broad background. Too many scholars who were prior to Coubertin contributed themselves to this career. Winckelmann,GutsMuths and Curtius, the three scholars mentioned in this article were the excatly splendid representatives who made important contribution to the birth of modern Olypmpie Games. Especaolly, its Winkelmann, the archeologist only mentioned once in domestic history books, who gived the ancient Olympic Games the value of art, spirit and wisdom, and aroused the passion and hope to excavate the ancient ruins of the Olympia. Furthermore,this article still aim to correct the statement in domestic history books that Winkelmann had never been to the site of Olympia.
作者 缪佳 王菲
出处 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期20-23,共4页 Sports & Science
基金 上海市重点学科建设资助项目 项目号:S30801
关键词 德国 奥林匹克 古代艺术 考古 Germany Olympic Games ancient art archeology
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