Abstract The rapid annealing behaviour of GaAs crystals irradiated with various neutron fluences has been investigated by using channeling RBS. The results show that the concentration of diplaced atoms increases with the square of log φ (φ the neutron fluence). During annealing the concentration of displaced atoms decreases with the temperature and annealing time increasing. The neutron irradiation has little effect on φ 1/2 . For the neutron fluence of 10 15 /cm 2,the activation energy of defect annihilation E 10 35eV,which may be attributed to the recombination of vacancies with migrating interstitials. The activation energy : E 2=0 13eV for the neutron fluence of 10 17 /cm 2 may, probably, correspond to the recombination of vacancies with nearby interstitials.
Neutron irradiation
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy