

The Selecting,Implementing and Evaluating of Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research
摘要 作为社工研究的重要方法之一,质化研究的选择需考虑具体社工情景,其执行需解决研究中目标定位、研究者角色界定、伦理困境、进程介入及结束标准等方面的困惑及疑虑,而其评估需把握"科学性",强调哲学范式与样本选择等议题,保持批判反思态度并高度关注社工目的。 As one of the most important methods of social work, the selecting of qualitative methods must ponder the idiogaphic scene of social work and the implementing should account for the bewilderment or misgiving about the orientation of objective, the definition of the social worker role, ethical puzzlodom, the intervention of research course and the standard of ending, while "science", philosophy pattern, selecting in sample, animadverting and reflecting, and the objectiveness of social work are required to consider in evaluating.
作者 王红 祝西冰
出处 《社会工作》 2009年第18期12-14,共3页 Journal of Social Work
关键词 社工研究 质化方法 社工情景 科学态度 社工目的 Social Work Research Qualitative Methods Social Work Scene Scientism Objectiveness of Social Work
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