
堆浸工艺中流动-反应-传热耦合过程数值模拟 被引量:2

Research on the coupled model of flow-reaction with heat transfer in heap leaching processes
摘要 通过建立一组瞬态的流、固、热全耦合方程组,对浸出过程中浸堆内的温度、氧相对浓度、目的金属离子浓度等分布进行数值模拟.分析结果表明:沿堆体斜坡边界处氧的浓度较大,而在堆的中央部分,氧气的浓度非常小,导致这部分区域浸出反应缓慢;沿浸堆边坡处的温度偏低,温度最高的部分在底部区域附近靠近边坡位置处,且温度升高值超过6℃;矿堆底部靠近边坡区域目的金属离子浓度最高.本文的数学建模与数值模拟方法对研究城市风暴潮洪水演进过程具有指导意义.图4,表1,参9. Fully coupled process of Flow-Reaction with heat transfer in heap leaching is very complicated, the distribution of temperature, concentration of oxygen and concentration of target metal ions were analyzed, during heap leaching process through developing a fully coupled flow-reaction with heat transfer model. Numerical results show that the concentration of oxygen along the slope boundary is comparatively higher, and it is very low in the central part where the lixiviated-reaction rate is very slow, the temperature is the lowest along the slope boundary, and the highest at the bottom near the slope. The difference is more than 6 ~C, the concentration of target metal ions at the bottom near the slope is the highest. The method of mathematical modeling and simulation adopted is meaningful to simulate the process of floodwater evolution with storm tide in the city. 4figs., 1tab., 9refs.
出处 《湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第3期23-26,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Science And Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家科技部海洋公益性行业科研专项经费基金资助项目(200805016) 上海海洋大学博士启动基金(A-3604-08-0223) 云南省科技强省计划项目(2007AD001) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(20090450014)
关键词 堆浸 流动-反应-传热耦合模型 风暴潮洪水模型 数值模拟 heap leaching coupled model of flow-reaction with heat transfer model of floodwater evolution with storm tide numerical simulation
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