Proposes the theory of both branch fuzzy set which is the continuation of the theme(Ⅰ,Ⅱ). In the study of one branch fuzzy set theory(L. A. Zadeh fuzzy set theory),due to the introduction of λ cutset S λ ,there generate union ordinary resolution theorem,intersection ordinary resolution theorem of one branch fuzzy set. The theme(Ⅰ,Ⅱ) proposed both branch fuzzy set S . Due to the introduction of λ cutset S λ ,there generate union ordinary resolution theorem,intersection ordinary resolution theorem of boht branch fuzzy set S . Naturally people propose such questions: both branch fuzzy set can be resolved into many ordinary sets S λ ;can both branch fuzzy set S be resolved into many fuzzy sets S α . (One branch fuzzy set A can also be resolved into many fuzzy sets A α ,which has not been studied in one branch fuzzy set theory). This paper proposes the concept of α imbedding set S α of S , α imbedding theorem of S , α imbedding fuzzy resolution theorem of S .
Fuzzy set
Fuzzy mathematics
Fuzziness/Both branch fuzzy set
Union fuzzy resolution theorem
Intersection fuzzy resolution theorem.