
ABO血型异常遗传的肯定亲子案例分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Parent-offspring Relationship of Abnormal ABO Blood Group Heredity
摘要 目的:对ABO血型遗传异常而DNA多态性检测又肯定亲生血缘关系案例进行分析,探究特殊案例的原因,与同行共享。方法:收集近几年芙蓉司法鉴定中心违反ABO血型遗传规律的三个案例,通过PCR复合扩增和ABI3130遗传分析仪对3个亲子鉴定案例8份血样本进行检测。双亲进行了15个常染色体STR基因位点,单亲进行了22个常染色体STR基因位点分析。结果:三个案例均极强力支持父母(父亲)与孩子之间存在亲生血缘关系。结论:凭违反ABO血型遗传规律排除亲生血缘关系显然是不行的,必须以DNA多态性检测为判断标准。 Objective: To analyze case of positive parent-offspring relationship of abnormal ABO blood group heredity, and discuss the reasons of special cases. Methods: Three cases were collected of Abnormal ABO Blood Group Heredity in our department in recent years. Three cases were experimented by using multiplexing PCR and 3130 Genetic Analyzer, and 15 STRs of parentage testing case, 22 STRs of motherless parentage testing ease were tested. Results: There exist parent-offspring relationship between parents (or father) and children of three cases. Conclusion: It is not correct to exclude parent-offspring relationship according to abnormal ABO blood group heredity.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2009年第15期2866-2868,共3页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 ABO血型 亲子关系 CisAB型 STR基因座 ABO blood group Parent-offspring relationship CisAB blood group STR genome
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