
轨道交通建设项目设计安全风险控制策略研究 被引量:3

Research on risk control policy of project design of rail
摘要 轨道交通建设项目是包括铁路、轻轨、地铁在内的工程建设项目。由于建设者缺乏对安全风险的重视及管理不当等原因,导致当前轨道交通建设安全事故频频发生,如何有效控制轨道交通建设安全风险具有重要意义。通过对近年来轨道交通安全事故的统计分析,指出设计是造成轨道交通建设安全风险的重要原因,运用因果连锁理论对设计安全风险因素进行分析,提出树立全员安全意识、建立专门安全管理组织、建立完善的设计安全管理制度是控制设计安全风险的关键,并以设计的生命周期为主线提出了设计安全风险的具体控制措施。 Rail transit projects are the construction projects of railroads,light rail,subway.Due to lack of attention on the safety risk and management failure,accidents of rail transit project frequently occur,thus it is very important to effectively control safety risks of rail projects.According to statistics of rail transit accidents in recent years,design is a main reason which causes accidents.The article analyzes the safety risk factors by the cause and effect theory and regards that the key of controlling design safety risk is to develop safety awareness among all the staff, build up a specialized safety management department and set up safety management codes. The article also brings up specific control measures circling on the life circle of design.
作者 杨霞 周国华
出处 《铁道经济研究》 2009年第4期42-45,共4页 Railway Economics Research
关键词 安全风险 设计安全 轨道交通建设项目 因果连锁理论 safety risk design safety rail transit projects cause and effect theory
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