
氢氧化镍材料的反应机理和电极制备 被引量:7

Reaction mechanism and preparation of nickel hydroxide electrode materials
摘要 目前商业化的氢氧化镍材料是β-Ni(OH)2/β-NiOOH,研究比较多的是具有螺旋结构的α-Ni(OH)2/γ-NiOOH。系统全面地阐述了氢氧化镍电极材料的物理与化学性能;综述了该材料的研究现状;探讨了未来的研究发展方向。重点分析了氢氧化镍电极的制备和电极的反应机理。 For the excellent electrochemical performanceNi(OH)2 has been used as the positive electrode materials of many kinds of secondary batteries, such as Ni-MH battery, Ni-H2 battery and Ni-Cd battery. The β-Ni (OH)2/β-NiOOH electrode materials have been used in the commercial rechargeable alkaline battery. The focus of scientific research is on the α-Ni (OH)2/ γ-NiOOH, which has a turbostratic structure. The physical and chemical properties were depicted and the recent research state was reviewed in this paper. The preparation and electrode reaction mechanism were analyzed in detail.
出处 《电池工业》 CAS 2009年第4期268-272,共5页 Chinese Battery Industry
关键词 蓄电池 正极材料 氢氧化镍 电化学性能 MH—Ni电池 secondary battery positive electrode nickel hydroxide electrochemistry Ni-MH battery
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