

The Theoretic Basis and Developing Tactics of the Backyard for Tourism in Yan Cheng
摘要 旅游后花园是弱势旅游地区基于共生理论、比较优势理论、比附定位及辐射效应等理论依据而构建的。构建旅游后花园应重视屏蔽效应、旅游产品的同构以及来自各方面的竞争,盐城要在主题形象、产品设计、交通、旅游产业链等方面加以完善,以逐步促进旅游后花园的健康发展。 The construction of "backyard for tourism" is based on the theories of symbiotic theory, affiliating positioning, radiation effects, difference of tourism products, comparative advantage, etc. , for those areas with disadvantaged tourist resources. We should pay attention to the effect of screening, the similarity of tourist products and the competition from various aspects. To improve and perfect the Backyard for tourism step by step, the Yaneheng City should develop its subject image, products design, traffic, and the chain business of tourism, in order to promote the health development of tourism in Yancheng.
作者 范玉翔
机构地区 盐城工学院
出处 《江苏广播电视大学学报》 2009年第4期74-77,共4页 Journal of Jiangsu Radio & Television University
基金 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目"旅游后花园与区域旅游联动发展战略研究"(07SJD790039)
关键词 旅游后花园 理论依据 盐城 backyard for tourism theory basis Yancheng
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