2Zhang Ping,Ji Yang,Feng Zhiyong (Research Center for Wireless New Technology,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China) The Mobile Ubiquitous Service Environment (MUSE),established through the coordination and integration of mobile telecommunications and ubiquitous network,in the pursuit of Always Best Experience (ABE),represents the major development trend for the next generation mobile wireless network. Research on MUSE will involve the integration of the computing model system,service platform system,operating system and terminal structure system,all of which involve exploration and innovation of a new networking structure,its control and management as well as way of measuring. The change in network resources triggers the change in network computing models. To let readers have a basic understanding of MUSE,this lecture introduces it in four sections. This section focuses on the development and demand analysis of the service platform..Mobile Ubiquitous Service Environment[J].ZTE Communications,2007,5(2):58-60. 被引量:12
6Teaching and Research Section of Financial Management(College of Accounting,Jiaxing University,Jiaxing Zhejiang 314001).高校财务管理专业“专业实验”教学环节设计构想[J].嘉兴学院学报,2005,17(S1):144-146. 被引量:2