
中国区域电离层相关结构对卫星增强系统的影响 被引量:1

The Effects of Ionosphere Correlation Structure on Satellite Augmentation System in China
摘要 利用GPS测量数据对中国低纬区域的电离层相关结构特性进行了分析研究,并进一步和美国区域的数据处理结果进行了比较。结果表明:中国低纬地区存在的电离层异常是影响卫星增强系统中电离层延迟误差修正及完好性实现的重要因素,并且即使在低年,电离层异常的这种影响也存在。 Ionospheric correlation structure in China low latitude region was studied with GPS data.The results were compared with that from the America's data analysis. It shows that the ionospheric anomaly in low latitude region of China will affect the accuracy of ionospheie corrections in satellite augmentation system and lead to system integrity failure. This situation will hold on even in solar low year.
出处 《全球定位系统》 2009年第4期14-19,共6页 Gnss World of China
关键词 电离层 相关性 电离层异常 卫星增强系统 Ionosphere correlation structure ionospheric anomaly satellite augmentation system
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