
“浸入式”教学法在大学英语课堂教学中的实证研究 被引量:19

Empirical Research on the "Immersion" Teaching Method Applied to the College English Instruction
摘要 "浸入式"教学法最早源自于加拿大,并在国外语言教学领域得到了深入而广泛的研究。在我国,一些高校已经将该方法应用于一些专业学科的双语教学当中,并取得了一定的成效。本文通过对我校学生进行"浸入式"教学的实证研究以及结果分析,从听力和阅读两方面验证了"浸入式"教学法对提高我校非英语专业本科生大学英语能力的有效性作用。 "Immersion" teaching method, originating from Canada in 1960's, has been studied in depth in the field of SLA around the world, which, known as the bilingual instruction, has been successfully applied to the content-based instruction at some prestigious universities in China. The article, based on the data analysis of the empirical research, proves, to a certain degree, that such method also works to the college students who are non-English major at our college.
作者 刘亚玲
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2009年第10期73-75,共3页 Modern Educational Technology
关键词 “浸入式”教学 实证研究 大学英语 非英语专业 "Immersion" Teaching Method Empirical Research College English Non-English Major
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