本文观察了甘草次酸钠 GCN_a本身及其对环磷酰胺(CP)诱导的小鼠骨髓细胞姐妹染色单体互换(SCE)与微核率的影响。GCN_a 设10mg/kg 和20mg/kg 两个剂量组,分别腹腔注射,每天一次,共注射五次。与 CP 合用组在第五次给药同时腹腔注射 CP一次。结果 GCN_a 不影响 SCE 和微核率,说明GCN_a 没有致突作用;GCN_a 既不促进也不抑制 CP 诱导的 SCE 和微率,说明 GCN_a 对 CP 的致突作用无影响。
Sodium glycyrrhetinate GCN_a and its combination with cyclophosphamide (CP) to observe the effects of
the frequencies of SCE and micronucleus of polychromatic erythrocyte in mouse bone marrow celle were stu-
died.The dosages of GCN_a were arranged in two levels:10mg/kg and 20 mg/kg.The drug was adminis-
tered ip,once a day for five days.20mg/kg CP was given ip only at the fifth day.The results were as follows:
GCN_a could not affect the frequencies of SCE and micronucleus,indicating that the drug could not affect the
action of mutagenesis.GCN_a neither Promoted nor prohibited the frequencies of SCE and micronucleus in-
duced by CP,indicating that GCN_a could not affect the action of mutagenesis induced by CP also.
Journal of Lanzhou Medical College