

Methods available to improve PSE meat
摘要 结合实际生产,通过测定从生猪屠宰到分割加工不同阶段猪肉的温度和pH值,确定影响渗水发白的宰后因素,根据对比试验结果判定猪肉渗水发白是否得到改善。试验表明:在屠宰过程进一步优化工艺条件,对胴体脊骨腰条部位及时降温,尽快将胴体分割扒骨并采用物理方法对胴体和分割肉品进行及时散热和降温,使分割肉品的表面尽快形成保护膜,可以改善猪肉渗水发白。 Post slaughter factors that affect the incidence of PSE meat were inspected by contrast experience that detected the temperature and pH value in different stages from slaughtering of live pig and cutting periods. Whether the PSE meat improved was judged by the results of the experiment. The results showed that if the technical conditions was optimized further, and the temperature of loin meat was decreased in time, the carcasses were cut as soon as possible and some physieal methods were taken to emanate heat and decrease temperature in time for carcass and division meat, then protection film could be formed on the surface of division meat, so that PSE meat could be improved.
作者 陈清胜
出处 《肉类工业》 2009年第9期16-18,共3页 Meat Industry
关键词 猪肉 渗水发白 散热 降温 pork pale soft and exudative emanate heat decrease temperature
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