
基于灰色理论的T形管内高压成形加载路径优化 被引量:1

Optimization for hydroforming loading paths of T-shaped tube based on grey system theory
摘要 以最大轴向进给力、支管背压力、内压力为因子,建立正交试验设计方案,进行有限元模拟,获得不同加载路径下的质量目标函数值。利用灰色系统理论,计算各个目标矢量与参考目标值之间的关联系数,将多目标转化为以关联度为目标的单目标。进一步计算各成形工艺参数的平均关联度,获得优化加载路径组合参数,以此进行有限元模拟验证。结果表明,通过该优化方法能获得综合质量较高的内高压成形的T形三通管。 Orthogonal experiment was carried out by FEM,the maximum axial force,equilibrium force of branch punch and inner pressure were set as variances and the forming quality variances were obtained.Based on the grey theory,the relational generatings between object and reference were calculated and each multi-objective design can be converted into a single objective design by the grey rational grade.The analysis of variance for the grey relational grade of each level was implemented,and the optimum combination of the loading paths were obtained and was confirmed by FEM.It was showed that the forming quality can be improved in this method.
出处 《浙江科技学院学报》 CAS 2009年第3期266-269,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
基金 安徽省"十一五"科技攻关项目(06012150C)
关键词 内高压成形 T形三通管 加载路径 数值模拟 灰色系统理论 多目标优化 hydroforming T-shaped tube loading paths simulation grey system theory multi-objective optimization
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