
5·12汶川特大地震灾区学校开展阅读疗法的可行性探讨 被引量:1

Discussion on the Feasibility of Using Bibliotherapy in the Schools of "5·12" Wenchuan Earthquake Disaster Area
摘要 "5·12"汶川特大地震对受灾青少年的心理产生极大的影响,安全感的缺乏、恐惧、焦虑等不良心理状况的产生,使青少年存在着严重的心理危机。从阅读疗法的作用出发,结合对灾区青少年心理特征,指出灾区学校开展阅读疗法对帮助青少年恢复心理健康具有现实意义,并提出选好阅读材料、及时评估青少年心理变化情况和营造良好的环境等开展阅读疗法的措施。 "5 "12" Wenchuan earthquake affects youngsters" psychology tremendously. The lack of feeling of safety, fear, anxiety and other harmful psychological conditions make severe psychological crisis on young people. Starting from the functions of bibliotherapy, and connecting with the psychological characteristics of young people in disaster areas, this paper points out that using bibliotherapy in the disaster area schools to help rehabilitating youngsters" mental health has the practical significance, and proposes some measures for using bibliotherapy in the schools of disaster area such as choosing good reading materials, making timely assessment on adolescent mental changes and creating good environment.
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2009年第24期14-16,共3页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 汶川特大地震 阅读疗法 灾区学校 青少年 "5·12"earthquake bibliotherapy school in disaster area youngster
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