
超高层建筑层风力空间相关性数学模型——综合分析法 被引量:6

Mathematical model of spatial correlation of wind pressure coefficients for super-tall buildings: comprehensive analysis method
摘要 以某一高492m、具有特殊体型的超高层建筑为工程背景,探讨一种建立超高层建筑层风力空间相关性数学模型的新方法。首先,在同济大学TJ-2边界层风洞中对该超高层建筑进行刚性模型分组同步测压风洞试验,得到各测点层的风力系数时程,并对各层风力系数的频谱特性进行分析,获得各类层风力系数功率谱沿高度变化的特点;接着,对顺风向、横风向和扭转风向的层风力系数的空间相关性进行详细的分析,根据它们的特点提出一种建立超高层建筑层风力空间相关性数学模型的新方法并给出拟合公式;最后,根据试验得到的层风荷载功率谱和拟合的空间相干函数公式便可构造风荷载互功率谱矩阵。由互功率谱矩阵和前三阶模态便可得到前三阶广义力功率谱,通过与刚性模型同步测压风洞试验直接获得的结果比较表明:建立空间相关性数学模型的新方法是有效的,给出的拟合公式是可行的。 A method of establishing a mathematical model of spatial correlation of wind pressure coefficients for super-tall buildings is explored using as example a 492m super high-rise irregularly shaped building. A rigid model synchronization pressure test of the building is carried out in a TJ-2 atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel. The time-history of wind pressure coefficients are obtained and their frequency characteristics analyzed. The features of the power spectra of wind pressure coefficients varying in the vertical direction of the model are obtained. The spatial correlation of wind pressure coefficients for across-wind, long-wind and torsion-wind are analyzed. According to their characteristics, a method of establishing the mathematical model of spatial correlation of wind pressure coefficients for super-tall buildings is put forward and the fitting formula provided. The cross-power spectrum matrix is constructed according to wind load power spectrum from the experiment and the fitting formula of spatial correlation coefficients. According to the cross-power spectrum matrix and the first modal, the first-order generalized force power spectrum is derived. Comparison with the result of the rigid model synchronization pressure test verifies the method and the fitting formula.
出处 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期26-36,共11页 China Civil Engineering Journal
基金 上海市教育委员会曙光计划(04SG23) 上海市科学技术委员会交叉领域创新团队培养计划(03DZ12039)
关键词 超高层建筑 空间相关性数学模型 刚性模型同步测压试验 互功率谱矩阵 super-tall building spatial correlation mathematical model rigid model synchronization pressure test cross-power spectrum matrix
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