
我国工业企业创新与竞争力提升的结构关系——基于企业数据和代表性行业的研究 被引量:1

Structure Relation of Enterprises Innovation on Competitiveness:Micro Evidence Based on Firm Data and Case Industries
摘要 企业是技术创新的主体,本文以企业创新和竞争力提升为核心,在相关文献基础上确立研究工业企业创新和竞争力的变量群,利用结构方程模型研究两个变量群的关系,在2001~2006年我国工业企业大样本数据的支持下,实证讨论我国纺织、钢铁、医药、电子等代表性行业的企业创新推动竞争力提升的问题,并从不同时间跨度深入讨论。研究发现,企业创新对当期竞争力有显著推动作用,但在时间上的滞后影响力不显著;企业竞争力主要受前期竞争力和当期创新影响;前期竞争力的影响随时间间隔的增长而减弱;而对竞争力的多角度解释,长期来看主要集中在生产率的提升上。此外,不同行业在共性特征的基础上,又表现出各自的个性特征。 By using structure equation model based on a large amount of firm data from National Bureau of Statistics, this paper compares the structure relations of innovation on competitiveness separately in 4 interesting sectors: textile, steel, pharmaceuticals and electronic equipment. For latent variables, the result of all sectors suggested that innovation has a significant influence to promote competitiveness, but the promotion only limited in short period (the same year). The long-term competitiveness mainly comes from the former competitiveness, and it can be explained mainly from the growth of productivity in a long run.
作者 甄峰 傅琳
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期85-92,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 中欧社会科学合作研究项目"就业 创新与福利的中欧比较研究"(COREACH-64-094)的阶段性成果
关键词 工业企业 创新 竞争力 结构方程 industrial enterprises innovation competitiveness structure equation model
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