
灵敏度可调的电脑横机震动保护设计 被引量:5

Shock protection design that sensitivity is adjustable of computerized flat knitting machine
摘要 电脑横机在运动过程中偶尔会发生撞针事故,此时针板会产生比较强烈的震动,利用此特性,通过一套震动保护系统实现了电脑横机的撞针保护功能。详细分析了这套系统的相关硬件和软件组成及功能。上机验证结果表明:在发生撞针事故时,系统能够及时发出震动信号,对电脑横机进行可靠的保护,具有灵敏度动态可调和快速实时响应的特点;另外,这套震动保护系统也可以应用在其他需要进行震动保护的设备上,特别是需要动态调整灵敏度的场合。 When needles on the computerized flat knitting machine collides occasionally during operation,the needle plate generates a stronger shock.The shock protection system is to be designed that protects the needle from collision.This article introduces the relevant hardware and software of the system as well as their functions.The use of the system on the machine shows that it sends a shock signal when needles are going to collide and effect a reliable protection of the machine.It have such features as sensitivity adjustable,real-time and fast response.In addition,this system can also be used on other devices which need the shock protection,especially where dynamic adjustment of sensitivity is requested.
作者 孙华平 卢达
出处 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期119-122,共4页 Journal of Textile Research
关键词 灵敏度可调 震动保护 DAC 电脑横机 adjustable sensitivity shock protection DAC computerized flat knitting machine
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