Traditionally any study of translation was seen as a segment or sub-field of Linguistics, on the basic premise that translation was a transaction between two languages, and therefore subsumed under either of two different subjects or disciplines. While this paper is intended to elaborate in relation to geographic entity translation paradigm on another three important aspects not only incidental but interactive and suggest further attention paid to the five toponymic dimensions(i.e, pronunciation, formation, meaning, location and categorization ) and the enriching cuhural-ecology dimension in the cultural information process. By a case study of the geographic name translation issue in Li Chi's The Travel Diaries of Hsǔ Hsia-k'o(an abridged version in English), what is envisioned in conclusion is not only the new “embarrassment” of riches available in the translation field of proper names in general, but also a tendency to push the range of the discipline as far back and as wide as possible (even to Wade-Giles Modified System), so as to give it a more retrospective scholarly lineage and to gather remarkable inter-disciplinary academic momentum via new vista as well.
Tourism Tribune
transcription frameworking management
The Travel Diaries of Xu Xiake
cultural ecology